If you are experiencing being constantly tired and no amount of sleep seem to recharge you.. You may be losing an interest even in things, that previously used to bring you joy. If you are constantly struggling with time feeling nothing ever gets complete… You are losing a focus and everything seem to be such a hard work…
The overwhelm of upcoming Christmas can put us under more amount of pressure and so I thought I share an info about 12 Stages of Burn Out as our awareness about where we are with this, is the very first step where you can catch yourself and start taking steps towards your recovery, so you can go back to enjoying your life again.
Hidden burn out can often be also one of the major causes that are preventing you from conceiving or keeping the baby as our reproductive system, in this case, is the first thing that seem to not function properly as for our ‘survival’ it is the least important of all the body systems.
Worth to take a moment to reflect on whether you are feeling not just healthy, but also filled with energy and vitality especially in this busy world where we often place so many demands and often so little compassion towards ourselves..
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