Welcome to my web site!
My name is Lucia Hoxha. I am Transformational Fertility Mindset Coach, Founder of ‘Life You Love Academy’, Writer, Best-selling Author, Speaker & Social Enterpreneur.
I empower you on your journey towards the motherhood, so you fulfil on your dream holding your baby in your arms 
Do you ask yourself these questions…
Why me?
How come other women deserve to be mums and its so hard for me?
What’s wrong with me?
What else do I need to do to have a baby?
Do you ever feel that…
You are not good enough
Life is not fair
You feel lost
Your relationship is going down the drain
You will never stop feeling the pain from not being able to hold your baby in your arms
You don’t want to see any more babies and looking at another pregnant woman is a painful reminder of all you ever wanted, but can’t have
Are you worried that….
It may never happen to me
You just can’t take it anymore and another IVF/miscarriage will destroy you completely
If anyone else will ask you about baby, you will punch them in the face! 
I am so happy we found each other and delighted you are reaching out to me to see what else is possible in life for you and your future as you are ready and I can’t wait to support you on your journey!
Check out the Events Calendar
Experience of What is Possible
Have you ever wondered about your life? Is this it? Is there anything more to life than the one I am currently living? Am I going to be happy again? Am I ever going to be a Mum?
I am here to support you to bring back joy and harmony into your life! …and guess what? YES, babies will come as a natural outcome of it as it happened to me and to many of my clients in the past 19 years 😉
1-2-1 Personal Coaching
Transformational 12-week coaching program specifically tailored to your unique journey to become a mum where I support you in areas of your life that are most important to you inside of your journey towards the motherhood. It is powerfully designed for you to let go of all that is no longer serving you in life, so you experience freedom and harmony in all areas of your life!
Life You Love Academy
Life changing fertility online group programs supporting various aspects of your journey towards the motherhood, so you create the life you love even before you become a mum!
Fertility Online Yoga for Women
Beautifully nurturing yoga & meditation program I have created in between my first and second IVF round. Now, 6 years later, being a blessed mum of beautiful twin girls, I would like to share this with all of you together with my gift that has impacted life of thousands of women all around the world! This program was starting point for many ladies who are now being a happy mums
Journey Toward Motherhood
This Facebook group is my free community where you can share your journey openly and authentically, ask for advice and feel supported.
Start Your Journey
It is 45-minutes with me that is all about you and your life! It is a precious time where together, we discover something exciting and fresh that will empower you! This is a time for yourself where you can create new possibilities for yourself and your life. This call was often the very beginning of many of my happy stories for my clients!