Through my practice I often meet the most amazing women not being fully aware of their value, which is a...
6 Gender Differences Between Men and Women in the Work Environment
Do you ever wonder what the opposite sex is thinking? Does your colleague, partner or boss baffle you? I want...
16 Signs of Truly Strong Woman
I’m sure many of us noticed that in our society, we still understand women from the patriarchal point of...
50 Actionable Ways to Be Happier
Is there such a thing as permanent bliss? When are we happy and why? How can we extend this state...
How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You
Forgiving others is essential for spiritual growth. Your experience of someone who has hurt you, while painful, is now nothing...
9 Steps to Overcome Fear of Flying
I have recently had a lady who came to me on Monday asking me to do something as Friday she...
Six Signs of Incomplete Grief
When my friend’s father died, his mother, understandably, emotionally collapsed. As an only child, he was the one to step...
Learning to Let Go of Past Hurts
We’ve all been hurt. I don’t think its possible to grow to become an adult without experiencing some kind of...
The Art of Letting Go
We’ve all had to let go of things at some point or another. Whether it be a pet, friend, boyfriend,...
10 Steps on How to Fulfill Your Purpose in Life
Having a sense of your purpose in life is one of the key elements of a flourishing fulfilling life that allows us...