Why women often feel like men are taking their energy away?
Exchange of energies between women and men is a process and for women it is extremely important to find the way how to rejuvenate and maintain their internal energy and strength, so they not only keep up the good spirits, but also to avoid them getting sick. Emotional emptiness can often leave women without energy and feeling exhausted. Lack of energy for women brings along many problems, which include also frequent mood changes. Experts say, that due to high demands society bring on ladies, it is very important for us to actively keep up our physical as well as emotional well-being.
If you are feeling overworked, you are not feeling like going out and create, you need to rest and regenerate. Situation often improves with appropriately chosen regular exercise as well as reconsidering your daily routine.
There is 10 most common factors, that are lowering female energy and taking away their vitality, which is preventing them to lead active lifestyle and enjoy everyday life.
1. Clutter
One of the destructive factors for the female energy is untidy home environment. Messy rooms, lots of dust, unwashed windows – all of this can create stress and negative emotions. For women especially, it is important to keep their environment clean and tidy and for men important to know, that their other half can feel weak, even get sick if she is constantly trying to keep it all up all by herself only.
2. Lack of Nourishing Sleep
Frequent lack of sleep and disrupted sleeping patterns causes not only frequent mood changes, but also decreases your immune system. It is a key for women to get enough of regular quality sleep to maintain the harmony inside and effectively manage demands of the daily life. Every time woman is deprived of efficient sleep, it’s taking away her internal power and it can take long time for her to fully recover. Sleep helps her to accumulate necessary energy, so it is very important for ladies to keep an eye on daily routine. Otherwise, she will not only be more prone experiencing stress, but also she will find it harder to cope with negative impulses from the outside world

3. Lack of Positive Emotions
The more often woman is experiencing negative emotions, the harder it is for her to rejuvenate and come back to her true loving self. If she is in relationship, her partner must remember, that every positive emotion reinforces their love life. Everyone needs compliments and positive experiences, that not only increase their self-esteem, but also help to navigate with more ease through various types of stressful situations.
4. Doing the ‘Man’s Work’
Women shouldn’t be involved with heavy manly tasks – not because they can’t handle them, but it is important to remember, that it is in conflict with their feminine energy and has got negative influence on their internal state. For every woman it is important to feel supported by a man and not to become strong in order to replace the man. It is suggested for ladies to avoid relationships with men who are not able to protect their gentle half from truly man’s tasks. These relationships are destructive and are able to wipe out woman from her internal energy much faster.
5. Job You Don’t Like
Women make a big mistake staying in the job they really don’t like. Work that is leaving you coming home being filled with negative emotions takes away not only your physical, but also mental power. If you feel you need to force yourself to go to work and your Sunday afternoon is spoiled with the thought of next day, you are suppressing your feminine, which leads to higher risk of nervous breakdowns.
6. Lack of Communication
In case woman is missing on communication and she spends most of her time working and ‘chasing her tail’ doing household chores etc., she starts feeling exhausted and paradoxly useless. It is very important for women to share and talk to other women, sharing their feelings and experiences, giving and receiving love, otherwise, they are constantly feeling wiped out, lonely and unfulfilled.

7. Lack of Attention Towards Woman’s Body
Once woman stop paying attention to her selfcare (e.g. going to hairdressers, allowing herself to relax in bath, exercise, healthy diet), when all this seem to be ‘impossible’ for her to fit in her day due to work or motherhood demands, ladies start losing her feminine side, they are nervous with tendency to snap much more often, which all influences their mood and their positive image of themselves. It is suggested for all ladies to dedicate minimally half hour in each day to spend on their uninterrupted self-care (other than brushing their teeth or shower) in order to maintain their well-being in a healthy sustainable state.
8. Lack of Enjoyable Hobbies
For women swamped with endless daily tasks it is very important to have a regular activity she genuinely enjoys, that brings her necessary endorphins, causing improvement of her mood and necessary mental rest (other than sleep). Whether it is a walk in the forest, sawing, writing stories, jumping on trampoline or playing tennis – whatever brings her joy and takes her mind away from negative thoughts…this all helps her to rejuvenate her internal power and preserves her energy bank. New hobbies also help to reveal new capabilities, increase her self-esteem and offer opportunity to develop herself in a new direction that bring positive results as well as much welcomed new social interactions and friendships that bring more sparkle to her daily routine.
9. Anger
We are all familiar with the feelings of anger. They carry, and especially for woman, very destructive energy. For women it is extremely important to learn how to channel their anger and release these feelings in a safe way and/or through effective communication led assertively in order not to lose her vitality. It is toxic to hold on to negative emotions. They need to be released. You can also use various exercises that work for you.
Happy and harmonious life is available for everyone, but it requires for you to dedicate some time towards your personal development. It is very worth to invest in coach or a therapist to ‘tidy up your life’ and learn newly to be much more connected with your natural you. Dare to follow your dreams, and allow yourself for them to be fulfilled, so you can be truly happy and live the kind of life you always wanted to have!
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